Register a Noise Complaint
The CAA is committed to ensuring that Bradley International Airport (BDL) benefits our region and neighbors, and that means being responsive to community concerns about aircraft noise. This page will give you information regarding the impacts of aircraft noise at BDL and what we are doing to minimize them.
- Sound Insulation Program: While Bradley International Airport cannot eliminate noise at its source, the effects have been neutralized through an extensive soundproofing program. Bradley’s Residential Sound Insulation Program soundproofed approximately 234 homes. Since the program began, Bradley, with the use of FAA funding, has spent approximately $13,000,000 to soundproof homes. Eligibility for the program is based on Federal requirements. The FAA has designated 65 DNL contours at the time of the Part 150 study as the critical threshold for soundproofing eligibility. The Sound Insulation Program was completed in 2014 officially closed.
- What is a 14 CFR Part 150 Study? 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 150, Airport Noise Compatibility Planning, was issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as a final rule in January 1985. 14 CFR Part 150 sets forth the methodology and procedures to be followed when preparing aircraft noise exposure maps and developing airport /airport environs land use compatibility programs. The 14 CFR Part 150 Study examines noise and land use around Bradley International Airport and proposes a Noise Compatibility Plan (NCP) to improve conditions for people who live and work near the airport. Operational measures were analyzed to potentially reduce population within the 65 DNL contour. Per Technical Advisory Committee request, the Study considered, where possible, reductions within the 60 DNL contour. The Study includes minimal changes to operations. The Study presents current and future land uses in communities around the airport and assesses the compatibility of that land use with the current and probable future noise levels. The Study uses this assessment to formulate a realistic plan for land use measures. The land use measures are combined with noise abatement measures to reduce noise and its impacts on people where possible. To view the latest 14 CFR Part 150, click on this hyperlink 14 CFR Part 150 Study(4.1 Mb)
- How do I file a noise complaint?
- Submit Online
- If you have a question or concern about aviation-related noise at Bradley International Airport, please complete the online form on this page.
- Submit By Phone
- You may also call Bradley’s Automated Noise Complaint report/message Line at (860) 292-2038 to submit a complaint via voice message.
- What happens after I submit a noise complaint? When a complaint is reported, the date and time are researched and a response is generated if requested. The report will normally include information (e.g., aircraft operations, altitude relative to complainant’s address, meteorological information, runways in use and background information if available). There are limits to the type of information can be provided for non-Bradley Flights, such as helicopters and small propeller aircraft. Please note that repetitious submissions within a very short period will be treated as one general report of noise disturbance.
- Submit Online