The Sunflower Lanyard acts as discreet identification to the airport community that the individual wearing it has a hidden disability and might require additional assistance, extra time or patience on their journey through Bradley International Airport. Program participation is voluntary and is a way to aid individuals whose disability may not be immediately obvious, which for example may include autism, chronic pain, dementia, anxiety, visual or hearing impairment. Passengers who may need extra assistance can request a sunflower-themed lanyard to discretely self-identify to the airport community. The lanyards are complimentary and available at the airport’s information center. Passengers who choose to make themselves recognizable to the airport community do not need to identify the nature of their disability. While the program allows the airport community to provide an extra level of customer service care, wearing a lanyard does not guarantee fast-tracking through security or any other priority access. Passengers are still required to arrange any special assistance needed with TSA Cares and their respective airline directly. The Connecticut Airport Authority is pleased to partner with the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Program to provide this added layer of assistance to travelers with hidden disabilities.